Dear Friends & neighbors,

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers, encouragement and votes! And thanks for turning out the vote to keep Kendall County and Texas Red. Also, a big Texas thank you to Duane Zoeller for serving as my campaign treasurer!

I am humbled by your support and I am honored to serve as your County Commissioner. I look forward to working with you to keep the irreplaceable character and culture of Kendall County for future generations.


Andra M. Wisian

Dear Friends & neighbors,

It’s official! I am Kendall County Commissioner-Elect, Precinct 2. New State legislation provides for unopposed candidates to be declared elected (Senate Bill 1 (87th Leg., 2nd C.S., 2021) amended Section 2.056 of the Code). So, we will not get to mark the names of these candidates on the ballot.

However, there are many Republican candidates who do have opponents and need your help! Please vote and help get others out to vote! Let’s keep Texas RED!

Thank you, everyone, for your prayers, encouragement and votes! And Duane Zoeller, thank you for serving as my campaign treasurer!

I am humbled by your support and I will be honored to serve as your County Commissioner. I look forward to working with you to keep the irreplaceable character and culture of Kendall County for future generations.


Andra M. Wisian

(830) 542-2246 /

About Andra

A native and seventh-generation Texan, Andra Wisian will be an effective conservative leader for Kendall County. An independent business woman, she is a media consultant and helps run the family cattle operation in Kendall County and South Texas. Andra is also a dedicated and steadfast volunteer. Andra is known for bringing people together for a mutual goal, finding common-sense solutions, and creating win-win outcomes.


On the Issues

As a servant leader, Andra will work hard as a full-time commissioner, always being mindful that she works for the citizens of Kendall County.


General Election: Tuesday, November 8, 2022

County Commissioner Precinct 2 takes office: January 1, 2023

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